Special lenses for dynamic far vision.

FONDA far® lenses for maculopathy and other disorders of the visual system.

FONDA far® lenses are developed with special designs that optimize vision, stabilize eccentric fixation, and offer maximum comfort for people with macular disorders.

FONDA far® lenses provide a solution for people who need support when walking, playing sports, driving, and performing other activities relying on dynamic distance.

FONDA far PRLoop lenses

In people with AMD, vision may be impaired by a total or partial loss of the central visual field, resulting in a worsening disorder due to fixation instability and a gradual decrease in contrast sensitivity.

PRLoop® magnifying prisms help to stabilize your parafoveal vision, thus optimizing residual vision, vision in the primary head position, and improving comfort.

Effects and benefits

They magnify the retinal image

They stabilize the eccentric fixation

They improve contrast sensivity

The optimize parafoveal vision

They bring a postural benefit

They support dynamic far vision

The improve far visus up to +200%

Suitable for

Residual visus: From 1/20 to 7/10
Vision: Binocular and monocular


Cinema, theater, museums – Social life

Prismatic power

From 2 to 10

Standard magnification

3%; 4,5%; 6%

FONDA far esa lenses

FONDA far esa lenses are magnifying lenses for distance vision designed for people affected by wet maculopathy in the degeneration phase or other disorders of the visual system.

Effects and benefits

They reduce eye fatigue in far vision

They support deambulation and dynamic far vision

They improve far visus up to +200%

Suitable for

Residual visus: From 1/20 to 7/10
Vision: Binocular and monocular


Cinema, theater, museums – Social life

Standard magnification

3%; 4,5%; 6%

FONDA far progressive lenses

FONDA far lenses may also be manufactured with progressive lenses to adapt to all vision needs.

Effects and benefits

They reduce eye fatigue in far vision

They support deambulation and dynamic far vision

They improve far visus up to +200%

Suitable for

Residual visus: From 1/20 to 7/10
Vision: Binocular and monocular


Cinema, theater, museums – Social life

Prismatic power

From 2 to 10

Standard magnification

3%; 4,5%; 6%

Your FONDA far® lenses custom

FONDA far lenses are custom made for each individual.

FONDA far PRLoop magnifiers are specifically prescribed using the patented FONDA PRLoop chart protocol, which involves qualitative assessment of the parafoveal area, projection of the scotoma onto the visual field, and identification of spontaneous PRLs for distance vision.

FONDA far lenses are useful to people affected by the following eye diseases

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